
orthodontics buderim

What are Fast braces? And why chose them over traditional braces?

FASTBRACES® is increasingly becoming popular for delivering beautiful results in as short as 100 days. FASTBRACES® is an alternative to conventional braces and utilizes doctor-prescribed treatment plans to treat malocclusions such as overbites, underbites, overcrowding, and crooked teeth. FASTBRACES® uses a breakthrough technology that cuts the 2-step process in traditional braces. With traditional braces, the first year is spent …

What are Fast braces? And why chose them over traditional braces? Read More »

early orthodontics buderim

What is Myobraces ® System and how can it help with early orthodontics?

Myobraces ® System is a treatment that focuses more on the prevention of having the need for braces and teeth extraction. It targets the underlying causes of having crooked teeth, which allows natural growth and development. This treatment is suitable for kids as young as 3 years old up to 15 years old. Myobraces ® …

What is Myobraces ® System and how can it help with early orthodontics? Read More »